Why Us

1 out of 7

High Performing South Texas School Districts according to Educational Results Partnership's (ERP) Honor Roll.

Rated A+ District

For the 5th Year by the Texas Education Agency.

#1 in Kinder Readiness and Participation

Based on students tested on M-CLS in the Rio Grande Valley according to the Texas Public Education Information Resource.

100% of 2024 Seniors

Received an IBC certification or college certification.

Choose from ourPrograms

child nutrition departmet

Providing nutritional meals that lead to academic success.

afterschool centers on education

Texas ACE aims to improve academic performance by providing students with a safe place to go during non-school hours for extended learning and enrichment activities.

fine arts students
Fine Arts

The Fine Arts incorporate the study of Dance, Music, and Theatre, to offer unique experiences and empower students to explore new ideas.

Picasso elementary choir